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While Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six try to escape Tarturus, Cozy Glow furthers her plot to take over the School of Friendship with only ...

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When the magic of Equestria mysteriously begins to fail, Twilight leads her friends on a quest for answers, leaving the School of Friendship open ...

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When a strange dragon crash lands in Ponyville claiming to be Spike’s father, Spike is ready to do anything his “dad” says in ...

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Fluttershy and Applejack journey to the edge of the map on a Friendship Quest to help a group of ponies named Kirin — who are so afraid of ...

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The students of Twilight’s School of Friendship are cramming for “History of Magic in Equestria” exam in the school library ...

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When Rockhoof, heroic Pillar of the past, is having trouble fitting into the modern world, Twilight and her friends strive to help him find a new ...

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When Scootaloo becomes enamored with The Washouts, a touring group of stunt ponies, Rainbow Dash is concerned for her safety and worries that ...

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When Trixie is invited to bring her magic show to the far off land of Saddle Arabia, she can think of nopony better to bring along than her great ...

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Pinkie Pie has a new hobby that she absolutely loves – playing the Zenithrash. But when her friends discourage her from playing due to her ...

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Rarity and Rainbow Dash begin to question why they are friends when they can’t find anything they both like to do together.

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When Twilight discovers there’s another school of friendship, she and Rarity go to investigate and are shocked to discover that ...

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Preparations for Hearth’s Warming Eve are ruined, and while Twilight tries to figure out who’s behind it, the students bond over ...

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When Twilight leaves Starlight in charge of the School of Friendship, Discord is frustrated that he wasn’t asked, so he does what he can to ...

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When the ponies decide to go on a camping trip, Queen Chrysalis creates evil clones of the Mane 6 to help her steal the Elements of Harmony so ...

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders try many attempts to attend Twilight’s School of Friendship, despite making it clear that they’ve already ...

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Spike goes through a process that dragons suffer from that might kick him out of the house.

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When Big Mac overhears Sugar Belle talking to Mrs. Cake, he starts to believe that Sugar Belle is going to break up with him.

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Applejack and Rainbow Dash compete with each other to see who gets to be Teacher of the Month.

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When Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst are called by the Cutie Map to visit their old hometown, they discover that their parents are having a ...

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Princess Celestia’s dream of being in a play is fulfilled when Twilight casts her in one, but realizes that her talents lie elsewhere.

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders are called by the Cutie Map to Mount Aris to help a Hippogriff find where he belongs – either with his seapony or ...

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Rainbow Dash agrees to accompany Granny Smith and a group of elder ponies to Las Pegasus so she can ride a roller coaster before it closes.

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Fluttershy vows to look after Rarity’s Manehattan boutique while she’s away and takes on a series of characters in order to cope with ...

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Pinkie Pie’s super-best-friend-sister bond is challenged when Maud gets a boyfriend that Pinkie can’t stand.

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Twilight must reunite her students to stand up for what’s right when the Friendship School gets closed by the EEA.

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When the Friendship Map grows bigger to reflect the world beyond Equestria, the Mane Six realize they’ll need a way to spread the message ...

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With Starswirl and the other Pillars of Old Equestria back from limbo (where they’ve been trapped for a thousand years), Twilight and her friends ...

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When Sunburst discovers the lost journal of Starswirl the Bearded, Twilight becomes obsessed with saving her magical idol from a ...

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When Starlight gets a visit from Sunburst, she discovers that he has tons in common with her friends and starts to wonder if he still has ...

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When Pinkie Pie thinks she sees Rainbow Dash throw away one of her pies, she suspects the worst – that Rainbow Dash secretly hates her ...