Inazuma Eleven: 3×50
Chrono Storm now fiercely attacks, this time realizing the harmonies within and finally unlocking Saikyou Eleven Hadou. Saryuu Evan retaliates by ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×49
The episode starts with The Lagoon scoring their third goal. They’re taking the lead over the match more and more. As Fei is facing SARU, ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×48
Endou Mamoru is back, and becomes Chrono Storm’s coach as the Raimon players asked him to be so, much to Wonderbot’s disappointment. ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×47
The shocking revelation, Nanobana Kinako being Fei Lune’s mother has reached the young soccer player’s heart. She tells the story of ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×46
The episode starts with Zanark scoring the second goal and making the two teams tie 2-2. But later, Fei suddenly uses his Second Stage ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×45
Zanark returned from his training. He Mixi Maxed with Clara Jane, and thus became the eleventh and the last member of the Hasha no Seiten, and ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×44
The next match starts but everyone is shocked to find out that Fei Lune is the captain of the third team of Feida; Garu. As the match starts, Fei ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×43
The match continues onward with the members still fighting amongst them, but with some help with Sakamaki, Shindou Takuto finally leads Alpha, ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×42
Fei met Helper X and SARU in a room and was seen talking to each other. SARU was seen to have doubts about Helper X. Zanark was revealed to be ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 40 الإفتتاح ليبدأ صراع الأباطرة
The Second Stage Children destroyed the El Dorado headquarters and created the Ragnarok Stadium with its ruins. Fei discovers his true identity ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 39 مفاجأتان وربما أكثر
Raimon is brought to the El Dorado headquarters and there they learn more about the Second Stage Children, and then Raimon decided to join El ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 38 الصديق وقت الضيق
Entaku no Kishi continued their match against Perfect Cascade. Entaku no Kishi suffered a severe blow when Perfect Cascade scored 2 early goals ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 37 شكوك تحوم ومواجهات عدة
Entaku no Kishi passed several tests and arrived to the cave in which Master Dragon lives, to save Nanobana Kinako from him and the dark knight. ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 36 اجتمعو يا فرسان المائدة المستديرة
The Tenmas returned for a match against a team led by Shindou Takuto which included all the members of Raimon except Fei Lune and Matsukaze ...

Inazuma Eleven: 3×35
It seems that the Second Stage Children are planning something, but for now, after the match against Perfect Cascade, the Raimon team returns to ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 34 روني وفهد . زئير ووعد
The Raimon team is having a hard time against Perfect Cascade once again. They know how powerful this team is, and so they unleash their full ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 33 معركة وادي الوحوش الحاسمة
■Dinosaurs were seen playing soccer to help Raimon by their training. ■Fei was seen to be sad in the night with Big behind him. ■Kinako used her ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 32 لقاء قصير وخسارة فادحة
As Raimon journey around the jurassic era, they learn more about Tobu, but then Rei Rukh confronts Raimon and challenges them for a soccer match, ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 31 : وجهتنا عصر الديناصورات
■Raimon entered the Jurassic era. ■Daisuke chose Kinako, Hayami, Tsurugi, Tenma, Fei, Taiyou, Kariya, Shinsuke, Nishiki, Shindou and Kirino to go ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 30 : المدرب الأسطورة عامر
Fei Lune and Matsukaze Tenma end up talking with Kino Aki after she walked around with Sasuke. She talked more about the past, specifically about ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 29 : رجال يكتبون التاريخ
Raimon was behind with two points in the match against Zanark Domain. The Zanark Domain’s members were easily passing Raimon’s ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 28 : مصير البلاد – مواجهة ساكاموتو وأوكيتا
Okita Souji leaves the Raimon members. Tenma and Fei were wondering about Okita but then, Nakaoka came and told Raimon that Sakamoto went to ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 27 : من هو أوكيتا سوجي؟
■Sakamoto Ryouma played for Raimon, while Okita Souji played for Zanark Domain. ■Wonderbot tried to make a Mixi Max between Sakamoto and Nishiki, ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 26 : من هو ساكاموتو ريوما
Raimon finally returns but they cannot just rest yet. They time-travel to the Shogunate era and seek Okita Souji and Sakamoto Ryouma. Nishiki ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 24 : مواجهة جديدة كليا
Raimon reached Shokatsu Koumei and Ryuu Gentoku asked Shokatsu Koumei to help him but Shokatsu Koumei declined. Raimon tried to convince Shokatsu ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 23 : عجائب قصر كوميه
Raimon resumes the soccer battle against Zanark Domain. Shindou blocked the shoot in order to save the goal. Raimon won the soccer battle with ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 22 : عصر الممالك الثلاثة
Raimon was seen training in the soccer building. Amemiya Taiyou appeared and told about his recovery and that he already knew what Raimon was ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 21 : زوال كرة القدم
Raimon continued their fight against Protocol Omega 3.0. Kirino Ranmaru is still worrying about Jeanne and having a flashback of Shindou. Charles ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 20 : شجاعة وإقدام
Jeanne d’Arc and the others arrived at Charles palace. Kirino and Jeanne went inside while the others were outside playing soccer. Charles ...

أبطال الكرة – فرسان الزمن الحلقة 19 : فتاة الدرع
As Raimon arrived in the medieval France era, they got surrounded by knights who believed that they were spies. Then, Jeanne d’Arc appeared ...